Saturday, March 22, 2008
first family road trip
Posted by the walkers at 2:37 PM 2 comments
Monday, March 17, 2008
inflatable duck + water = TONS OF FUN
well this inflatable duck you are about to see is really for little's supposed to BE the bathtub...and what do you do when you get to big??? you turn it into a RAFT! yep...a raft that is entirely too big for the bathtub, but nonetheless a blast to play with. so thank you to uncle case for this amazing quackes as that makes it even cooler. the greatest thing about this video is watching him hit the sides like he's riding a spur the horse to get it to go, and for levi, you hit the side to make mom and dad make the duck go. he's a quick learner :)
Posted by the walkers at 1:56 PM 4 comments
Friday, March 14, 2008
new words
levi is a true texan. of course, i knew he would be growing up in lubbock, but i didn't think i would see it so soon. he has started saying "bye bye" and when he says it, it sounds like the most hickish bye you have ever heard...and when he says it he waves his little arm as frantically as he can. i love it! it is so cute...and it's so weird to hear my BABY forming words!! and now he also says "ball." you can ask him in the bathtub to find his ball, and he gets his little basketball in all the commotion of dinosaurs and boats and ducks and airplanes. I LOVE IT! it's like the last 10 months of teaching and loving on this little guy is finally showing fruit!!! it's so much fun! he knows what "dog" is, but has a hard time saying it still...but we'll get there i'm sure!
Posted by the walkers at 9:05 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
i just couldn't resist.
Posted by the walkers at 10:44 AM 2 comments