Friday, March 14, 2008

new words

levi is a true texan. of course, i knew he would be growing up in lubbock, but i didn't think i would see it so soon. he has started saying "bye bye" and when he says it, it sounds like the most hickish bye you have ever heard...and when he says it he waves his little arm as frantically as he can. i love it! it is so cute...and it's so weird to hear my BABY forming words!! and now he also says "ball." you can ask him in the bathtub to find his ball, and he gets his little basketball in all the commotion of dinosaurs and boats and ducks and airplanes. I LOVE IT! it's like the last 10 months of teaching and loving on this little guy is finally showing fruit!!! it's so much fun! he knows what "dog" is, but has a hard time saying it still...but we'll get there i'm sure! 

we are excited about spring break next week! this will be the first year since we have been married that we are not taking a trip with the youth, so we are having family week next week!!! i can NOT wait! so our plans are a-plenty! we are hoping that the weather will be good enough to go swimming (matching trunks for the boys :), a day of play at legacy play village (it's this amazingly huge playground that kids flock to), clayton and i will have some dates of our own...movies, drivein, ect. so i am so excited!!! it is so exciting to think about planning "family" things for spring break. anyways, it will be posted about next week as we go through it all!!!

clayton, levi and i went to the hospital this afternoon to see one of our friends who had just had her second baby. the MINUTE i saw the babies in the nursury, their tiny noses, toes, fingers and mouths...i lost it. this HUGE emotion of wanting to have another little one to hold came over me. and then as i walked into her room and saw baby ethan swaddled and asleep in her lap, i got teary-eyed.  i can't believe how much levi has grown out of - the little cooing noises, the jerky yawns and movements, the inability to stay awake for 30 minutes :)  -  he just seems worlds apart from that stage. and he is, of course, but it's hard to believe that in only 10 months that levi went from that newborn to who he is just goes so fast. i guess that's why people keep having kids :)