Thursday, May 8, 2008

oh my gosh.

i have a one year old.

levi turned one on sunday, may 4th. i cannot believe how fast it has all makes me want to savor every minute..even the minutes of him throwing up after all 6 of his shots today (seriously...6 shots!!), even the minutes of him learning that if he doesn't get his way he will throw a tantrum, even the minutes of listening to his pediatrician tell us that, yes, we will have to go see someone for his texture aversion, and even the minutes of him letting him learn lessons the hard way when it would be WAY easier to just do it for him. oh and ps..we will have pictures of the insane birthday party up this weekend. i am still waiting to see them!!!

random updates...

1. my sister just bought her first fuel-efficient car! yea for kelsey and for good credit scores!!
2. levi has been eating yobaby yogurt with fruit and cereal 2 or 3 times a day - that stuff is a life saver.
3. he also tried ribs, donut holes, and chick-fil-a french fries ALL since sunday...maybe we're onto something here...
4. levi took several more steps on his actual birthday!!! i can't wait for him to just take off (ok, really that's a lie. i just say that to sound like a great mom. honestly, thinking about him walking makes me tired - to have a one year old boy who is already into everything, be even faster at it by walking, yeah, like i said, it makes me tired. 

so just a quick update. i will put pictures up from the birthday weekend soon!


Amanda said...

I cannot believe he is one year old! My goodness!!! Yes, of course we can't wait to see pics of that super cute boy!!!!

Amanda said...

Happy Mother's Day Darbs! Can't wait to see those pics!

Anonymous said...

show me the pics!!!