Thursday, January 31, 2008

is that a goiter?

i know, that's kinda gross, but there's a reason. last night, levi woke up around 4 am and was acting like he was frustrated and uncomfortable. he kept moving around like there was something agitating him. so i layed him on the floor to get ready for whatever a 9 month old can become annoyed with, and when i looked at his leg, there was this big bulge on the side of his thigh. it was so weird, and i'm thinking, hmmm i don't really know if i really want to find out what this is. but, like the GREAT mom that i am ;) - i unzipped his footie pj's and stuck my hand in...and somehow, before levi went to bed, he had stuck a lemon in his pajamas before we zipped him up and tucked him in for the night!! what in the world! i couldn't stop laughing. of course he was uncomfortable, he had a plastic piece of produce stuck in his footie pajamas and it had no way of getting out! i still don't know how clayton or i didn't notice this "goiter" before he went to bed, because this lemon was about twice the size of a ping pong ball. he does love playing with the them, so i guess he thought he could stash one away to play with while we were in bed! ha! i love what kids do...


Jennifer-Colley said...

I think that its hilarious that it was in there. I mean he doesnt dress himself for bedtime or zip up us footie! Mom must not have noticed that big fake orange in there! great story!

chazmom said...

HILAARRIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! will be a while before you live that one down! ;) so have you tried to do the slideshow?..i tried & it is WAY confusing?!?..and the help page doesn't seem to do much clearing it up?..let me know...

Amanda said...

hahaha...I love that there was a lemon in there that you had no idea about. that is fantastic...haha... and he is adorable by the way!