Sunday, January 20, 2008

lets see how this works...

well, we gave in. just like every other family, we subscribed to a blog. but really, what could be better? for family that doesn't get to see levi every day, week or month - this really is a way to see how he changes and what God is doing in our lives. so i hope that you enjoy this...and as i get more adjusted and comfortable using this blog, videos and pictures will soon follow! i have to say, i am pretty excited about writing and journaling what happens regularly so that i will remember! i have the worst memory and journaling online is definitely much easier than handwriting, so it's a win-win!! as for today, levi actually learned how to clap when he does something exciting, and clayton and i absolutely love it! hopefully we will have pictures or video - i want aunt kelsey to see :) but no promises!!!


A Mere Thought said...

Ha ha ha...darbs that is the cutest picture ever!! I love that you're blogging so I can keep up with y'all. I have a blog but never write.....oops. Y'all are so cute!!