Saturday, January 26, 2008

kleenex anyone?

resting in his daddy's arms.

well we called levi's doctor today to get medicine. the munchkin has come down with a nasty cough and his nose is running like crazy. i feel so sorry for him...he seems so miserable! and in levi's case (and i think with most kiddos), sickness breeds clingy-ness!!! i feel like i have a monkey on my hip all day long, just hanging on with no intention of letting go. and as tiring as it is to take care of a sick, clingy monkey :) - i love that i am someone's "mommy." i love that i am the only one he wants sometimes and that he DOES want me to hold him and comfort him when he doesn't feel good...i bring comfort to my son. what an INCREDIBLE thought. he finds peace when we're together and that is such an indescribable emotion. to know that i fulfill that need for him and he is content when i do makes me feel like i am serving my purpose on earth, as a mom. i can't help but think that God MUST feel this same emotion when we find our absolute peace and contentment in Him. that when we do, all is right and exactly the way it was created to be. our relationship with the divine is serving it's purpose...our entire comfort being met by Him alone. God is so gracious to let us parallel our lives with the way he sees us, to let us have children or adopt children so that we have a small perspective of how he feels about His children. hmmm - i wonder, if like kids, sickness in us breeds clinyness to God. sickness being anything from physical to anything emotional, and most definitely spiritually. sickness being anything that cripples us from being well and healthy and effective. i know that the moments and hours that i cling to God the most are the ones that i have been the sickest spiritually. that is when i absolutely do not want God to put me down. i guess - just like levi being sick builds his antibodies and makes his little body stronger to fight sickness the next time around, our spiritual sickness really does make us our clingy-ness to God we find His strength. interesting....:)

it's amazing what i'm learning through a 25 pound drool bucket :)


Kelsey said...

i love the pic, love the bogs, love the colors, and love you guys...keep it up and learn how to do videos.

Jennifer-Colley said...

Hey! Dont feel dumb, there are tons of things that I dont know how to do on here, like add a picture to my header. For the friends you go to Layout, then add a page element. You can add your links there. Let me know if it doesnt work for you! Lets hang out soon. Welcome to the blogger world!
love ya!