Monday, January 21, 2008

where's the tooth fairy when you need her?

levi has gotten SEVEN teeth in the last month (you can see his first two in the pic in the previous post). what in the world is going on? he got his first two when he was about 4 months old and then...nothing. no more teeth. just happy little levi who would occasionally act like he was teething, but no proof of any teeth - that is, until a month ago. we woke up on the monday after tech's graduation (yea kelsey and tanner!) and he had THREE of his top teeth - just as white as can be poking through. so great - new teeth and it wasn't bad at all. then he got another while clayton and i were skiing - thinking, another one down. but then - these 2 eye teeth on top decided to show up the week after that, along with another two on the bottom. i think i missed a call from the president of tylenol - i think he wanted to thank me for keeping them in business and in the black this past month. :)  but really - wouldn't it be nice if the "tooth fairy" could just magically place teeth INTO their head instead of just taking them away?!?!  no pain, no sleepless nights, no fever, no diaharea...yes. i think that would be wonderful. so what do you do when a munchkin stops sleeping temporarily for teeth? you thank God that it's almost over - and you blog. :)


alli zachry said...

Darby, Levi is absolutely adorable!! I love that you're blogging and I can keep up with your sweet family. I hope yall are doing great and look forward to many more great stories like this one!!! :)

Jennifer-Colley said...

I am so glad that you got a blog! We can now be blogging friends and leave each other comments and stuff! By the way, Levi is so cute and chunky! I love it! Cant wait to hear more stories!